Change Log

Tip: Detailed information about the most important changes and recommendations for the latest version are available on upgrade page.

Version 5.9.2 on Sep 28, 2024

- Statistical functions used on the toolbar can now make conditional calculations. More information
- Reminder popup windows can be optionally displayed from top of the screen to bottom. See preferences.
- "View and filtering" menu item added into the field menu of the record listing objects in a record window.
- Computed fields can now be selected as the "key" field during import.
- HttpPost script function now supports posting data in other formats like JSON, XML
- Improved functionality for the relational computed field option "get data from previous record".
- Bugfix: Fixed a performance issue of the relational computed field option "get data from previous record".
- Bugfix: The filter window was not allowing selecting "false" or "not assigned" for checkbox and drop down style fields.
- Bugfix: Users were not able to login SpeedBase after a fresh installation in certain specific conditions.
- Bugfix: A user designed view script error could prevent data load on views when the user attempts to open script editor.
- Bugfix: Printing in basic reporting mode could generate empty output in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: A record listing object placed into the record form could display data with missing records in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: Instant message popup windows were disappearing when the user modifies connection settings or user rights.
- Bugfix: Scheduled automatic database optimisation process was failing frequently.
- Bugfix: Searching data in "contain" mode was not working for option list fields.
- Bugfix: Using Windows's ALT+TAB key combination was not possible to switch to Speedbase when certain tool windows were open.
- Bugfix: It was possible to update records via import even if those records were in protected status.
- Bugfix: Reminder popup windows were displayed in wrong locations on screen when the user switched to another monitor.
- Bugfix: Some conflicting interface elements of the encryption settings are fixed.
- Bugfix: View scripts were not working after application template import.
- Bugfix: The field menu item "Show folder location" was displayed on all data types.

Version 5.9.0 on Jun 22, 2024

- Numeric fields can be configured to hide zero values on record windows, views and reports.
- New import mode added to create new and update existing records in the same import session.
- You may open the selected record by pressing enter from keyboard.
- You may temporarily snooze and hide all currently displayed reminders popups from tray menu.
- Separate colors can be assigned to folder icons on catalog tree.
- The recent database menu can be displayed by restricted users if enabled on that machine.
- You may rename the "Catalogs" top folder on Catalog Tree from preferences window.
- Optimize/repair database function is improved and can be executed as scheduled task.
- Improved "Connected Users" view in "Database Information" window with more details.
- Reverse migration support from SQL server to local database.
- Each file attachment fields can now remember the last used folder until next restart.
- The maximum expression length for statistical boxes increased to 8000 characters.
- Added support for searching option field data using "not contains" compare mode.
- Ability to change the save method of file fields removed for better data integrity.
- Customized views now do not hide the public view anymore.
- Improved the performance of view manager window while changing the order of the views.
- Improved coloring of selected records on views.
- Improved event logging with more event types and details.
- Improved search support for event logs.
- Improved background task engine processing.
- Improved multiple monitor support.
- Deleting event logs of last seven days prevented for security.
- "CheckFieldModified" script function was removed in favour of newer functions.
- New script functions added and some existing functions enhanced. (See upgrade information).
- Bugfix: It was not possible to create a new relationship via "Design" > "Relationships" menu.
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue causing incorrect access right application.
- Bugfix: An invalid data in view configuration could cause all views unusable.
- Bugfix: The view filters comparing fields with other fields were not importing correctly from application templates.
- Bugfix: Hyperlinks with an header longer than 8 characters were not opening correctly.
- Bugfix: "SQLReadRecords" script function was returning invalid data when used with views having a sort field with duplicate values.
- Bugfix: "Connected Users" window was displaying users which are actually not connected.
- Bugfix: Mass Replace was unable to update date fields.
- Bugfix: A failed file attachment to a record was not generating a notification to the user.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to save shared variables on th script editor.
- Bugfix: A duplicated record was displaying false file attachment links although file attachments cannot be duplicated.
- Bugfix: Date processing script functions were generating errors for empty date fields.
- Bugfix: Script editor was adding an empty line after each time the user saves the script.

Version 5.8.0 on Jun 2, 2023

- View filters now support comparing data fields with each other.
- Recent databases menu allows you to quickly switch between databases. (Activate this feature from preferences window)
- New printer settings added to the print window.
- Support for creating Import/Export profiles added.
- More snooze options added for reminders.
- You may now open the folder location of a file attachment. (See the popup field menu of file fields)
- Quick Search box width can be adjusted from preferences window.
- The script command "CreateRecord" is now capable of opening new record window for all relational fields.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to use the application menu temporarily when one or more reminders were triggered.
- Bugfix: A limitation for the maximum number of file fields is applied for stability reasons.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to disable "Custom Font" assignment for a field on Form Designer window.
- Bugfix: "Repair file paths" function of the File Gallery window was not updating all file paths.
- Bugfix: Spell Checker function was generating an error instead of warning message when Office software was not installed.
- Bugfix: Update button of the File Gallery window was generating an error in certain specific conditions.
- Bugfix: The view toolbar was not displaying correctly when the global font size was increased by user.
- Bugfix: Recent Records menu was not getting updated in certain specific conditions.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to increase the border width of some decorative shape objects.
- Bugfix: The script editor was not opening when a script name with non-latin letters was entered while creating a new script.

Version 5.7.1 on Apr 4, 2023

- Bugfix: Page footer section of custom reports was not printed.

Version 5.7.0 on Nov 3, 2022

- You may create multi-line text labels in both custom reports and record forms.
- Drag & drop support added to attach files into the file data fields easier.
- Progressive display of views on catalog tree when there is a high number of views.
- Database clean up functionality added to remove old event logs, dismissed reminders etc.
- Spell checking functionality added.
- Script manager window added. Click "Design" menu, select "Script Manager" to open it.
- New script functions added to display data rows/cells in selected colors depending on the record data on views.
- Script editor now has a search function and shows the current line number.
- Scripts: SQL Queries can now contain user defined names of catalogs and fields if enclosed in brackets.
- Import/Export support added for MS Excel's default file format (XLSX).
- You may now use mass replace function for system fields as well (activity/protection/record owner fields).
- When you clone/export your database, you may select either as exact copy with records or without records.
- Relational data functions for computed fields which are only shown for "1 to Many" relationships are now made available for "Many to Many" relationships.
- Improved performance for certain internal processes.
- Improved performance when opening field configuration windows just for displaying purposes.
- Displaying of main toolbar buttons "Copy", "Send Message" and "Barcode Scanner is now optional via preferences window.
- You may search for historical reminders older than one year.
- Some limitations applied during trial period removed.
- "Save","Freeze" and "Protect" menu items has been removed from main menu. Protection status can now be managed from the config button of records.
- Bugfix: An incorrectly crafted timer triggered script could in some cases block access to the application interface.
- Bugfix: The content of the record window could disappear temporarily and randomly when a background picture was used for the record area.
- Bugfix: The script function "httpget" could return empty result in some cases when run as a scheduled script.
- Bugfix: Report designer window could open empty without pre-designed content when current printer device was disconnected.
- Bugfix: Customers running an older version without an active support term can now install, run and evaluate a newer version with a new database.
- Bugfix: Catalog tree, reminders and instant messages could become invisible after an unsuccessful upgrade process.
- Bugfix: Application window could become invisible until next restart when there were multiple monitors and their configuration was modified in a certain way.
- Bugfix: Record windows could be displayed partially out of screen area when there were multiple monitors in certain specific conditions.
- Bugfix: Some image files could not be found via search function on File Gallery window.
- Bugfix: Reminder menu commands via the application's system tray icon were not working when application window was not displayed.
- Bugfix: Automatic calendar pop-up window was covering some of the record data when a date field was placed on top the window.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to change a previously saved view selection in related data sections of custom reports.
- Bugfix: Computed label objects created on custom reports were returning incorrect data when SFIELD function was called.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to create a clone of the database inside the default database folder.
- Bugfix: "Remove" button was not working in "User Group Properties" window.
- Bugfix: Closing a record window could set the size of another record window to default in some certain specific conditions.
- Bugfix: Date field was showing long date format even if you enter the field for editing in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: The application window was not remembering it's latest size after restart in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: The bottom information bar of the application window was not displayed properly after system restart.
- Bugfix: Attempting to open a record window for a newly created catalog without any fields was generating errors.
- Bugfix: Catalog tree was not remembering it's last width on next startup in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: A scheduled recalculation of computed fields was generating a misguiding event log if there were errors during recalculation.
- Bugfix: Relational computed fields displaying data from a parent record were returning incorrect values in certain conditions.

Version 5.6.0 on Mar 22, 2021

- A new tool to instantly display a historical snapshot of a record added (see toolbar of the record window).
- Recent record shortcuts are now available for each catalog (right click any catalog).
- New background images are added to make SpeedBase more colorful (see preferences window).
- You may add or remove toolbar buttons shown on the record window (see preferences).
- You may optionally open records in view/read-only mode (see preferences).
- More scripting functions added (check upgrade page).
- Improved performance for displaying records in tabular format.
- The script function "MapiSendEmail" was removed because of security reasons.
- Clicking the "duplicate" button on record window now automatically closes the source record window.
- Performance for the mass replacement function improved.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to modify the order of the page sections on report designer.
- Bugfix: Barcode scanning function was not working.
- Bugfix: A misguiding behavior in mass replacement tool fixed.
- Bugfix: Migration to SQL server was failing to move user data.
- Bugfix: Access right restrictions on record window were not effective for some data types.
- Bugfix: The value entered to a date-time field from keyboard was disappearing.
- Bugfix: Links and background colors of fields were coming black when an application template was imported.
- Bugfix: The following content was overlapping multiline text data in custom reports.
- Bugfix: Custom report generation was failing after upgrade from very older versions SpeedBase.
- Bugfix: The status bar at the bottom of the main window was displaying incorrect messages in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: A problem about selecting text in script editor window fixed.
- Bugfix: Some visual issues on search toolbar fixed.
- Bugfix: Computed fields were failing in some cases after importing a partial application template.
- Bugfix: Script editor window was not opening in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: Various fixes for minor issues and optimizations.

Version 5.5.0 on Jun 29, 2020

- Duplicate record button added to record windows.
- Font, color, text alignment and popup tip properties of data fields can be adjusted on Form Designer window.
- Text alignment of data columns on tabular views can be adjusted from Field Properties window.
- Support for cascaded option list fields added (e.g. city selection box is populated depending on Country selection).
- A new application template to illustrate scripting functions added. Try importing template "Calculations and Scripts".
- Encryption support added.
- Image gallery window redesigned to quickly search, browse images and open associated record.
- "Rotate" commands added to the field popup menu of file fields.
- A dedicated configuration window added to manage relationships.
- New script functions added: MapiSendEmail, GetRandomNumber, OpenFile, OpenURL, AgeCalculate, ShowMessage. Check documentation for more information.
- Copy/Paste support via field menu added for most of the data fields.
- A new main menu header "Design" is added for clearer distribution of menu items.
- "Logout", "Restart" and "Upgrade" menu items added.
- Views can now be duplicated together with their filter.
- Many more event types added to event logging to track changes made to your database.
- Computed fields can now display clickable links. See Field Properties window.
- You may use custom defined functions in your computed field expressions.
- Optimized collection of recently accessed record under "Recent" menu.
- Improved toolbar.
- Important Bugfix: A catalog-wide recalculation process was skipping some of the records when there are more than 1000 records in the catalog.
- Bugfix: No rounding was applied to the result when a computed field was set to display limited number of digits, causing minor inconsistencies between calculations.
- Bugfix: "Move data folder" function on connection window was failing in some specific conditions.
- Bugfix: Rotate commands are added to workaround an issue causing some photos displayed with a wrong orientation.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to search for a date via the search box unless advanced mode is switched on.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to modify a report section if the section was set to display in tabular format.
- Bugfix: Processing date data retrieved from another computed field was generating wrong results.
- Bugfix: On a multi-monitor system, some windows were opening on a different monitor than where SpeedBase main windows was displayed.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to place and save a data field on Report Designer window when the field name was containing non-alphanumeric characters.
- Bugfix: Search results were containing irrelevant records when there is a "system user" field with empty values for some records.
- Bugfix: Searching on "selected fields" on global search window was not allowing selecting "match mode" and returning all records.
- Bugfix: http requests executed by scheduled scripts were failing with empty results.
- Bugfix: Small text field with URL format setting was not working for URL's other than "http".
- Bugfix: Reminder popup windows were briefly blocking editing a record.
- Bugfix: On form designer window, object selection list was becoming disabled on certain conditions.
- Bugfix: Sorting records according to a computed field which retrieves data from a related record was generating incorrect results in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: Recalculation of a computed field which was set to show date values but left empty were generating incorrect results.
- Bugfix: Image attachments with auto-expand settings were displaying with inconsistent sizes when the record form was resized.
- Bugfix: Loading records via the previous/next buttons on record window was not triggering scripts that are normally triggered by load.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to adjust column widths when related records of a record were shown.
- Bugfix: Older type of scrollbars were displaying when related records of a record were shown.

Version 5.0.1 on Oct 17, 2019

- Bugfix: Field labels were not displaying when application templates created with older versions were imported.
- Bugfix: Computed fields on custom reports were not displaying the decimal part of the calculated value.
- Bugfix: Printing function from the record window was not working for basic reports.
- Bugfix: Copy button on the record window was not working.
- Bugfix: Computed fields were not being calculated when a new record window was opened.
- Bugfix: Decimal numbers assigned to the options of a optionlist field were being processed as integers by computed fields.
- Bugfix: The "select none" command for the optionlist fields was not working.
- Bugfix: Date field was briefly not allowing editing in a certain specific condition.
- Bugfix: Hours were displayed incorrectly on a reminder window when the locale was set for 12 hour clocks.

Version 5.0.0 on Oct 1, 2019

- Extensive scripting support and possibility of writing procedures with 50+ built-in functions added.
- Record forms may have event driven (e.g. save, load, delete events) script objects to manipulate data and appearance.
- Scheduled task management window added to create periodic tasks for scripts, recalculation and backup tasks.
- A new menu title "Recent" added to the main menu which allows you to instantly reopen records which you opened recently.
- Cloud backup function added. Once configured, this feature creates scheduled backup copies of data folder on a synchronized folder.
- Custom reports now support creating computed objects to display sums of a field value or result of a custom expression.
- Computed fields can now both process and display long text data.
- Global search function enhanced to easily search for the most recently modified data.
- You may now define default values for checkbox and system user fields from field properties window.
- You may now place fixed images on to record forms like company logos etc via form designer.
- You may now set a background picture for records to make the interface more colorful.
- You may now search for an existing reminder from reminder listing window.
- History logging function added. You may enable it from preferences window to track major data modification events.
- A handy function just to move your data folder to a new location on your network added.
- The record window is now keeping current form tab active while you are navigating between records.
- Clone database function added to create an identical copy of your database with all records wiped out.
- Import database function added to import an existing database file from any folder location.
- The main toolbar is redesigned.
- Two new scripting functions "EncodeNumeric" and "DecodeNumeric" added to convert long integer numerics to much shorter alphanumerics.
- Support for opening records as a tab inside the main window is removed in this version.
- A login name created on SB now cannot be used to log in concurrently from multiple computers anymore.
- Improved handling of user limit allowed by license.
- File gallery is now displaying a warning when you want to delete a file which was attached to one or more records.
- Important Bugfix: It was not possible to save a record anymore when a long text field has a certain specific configuration.
- Important Bugfix: Backups were still created inside the default folder in certain conditions even if SB was configured to use a custom backup folder.
- Important Bugfix: Creating a new field was failing if the catalog had more than a certain number of records.
- Important Bugfix: Daily backup setting was not taking backups on a daily basis if the computer is hibernated instead of shut down.
- Important Bugfix: A deactivated password in the past might still be asked in certain conditions causing login issues if the user has forgotten the initial password.
- Bugfix: A computed field value could be different on a record window and on tabular display if "sfield" function is used for a field with date/time or boolean data type.
- Bugfix: Computed fields were not updating when relational records are added/removed via tabular displays.
- Bugfix: Report designer window was loading very slowly when there is a significant number of object on a custom report.
- Bugfix: Some application windows were not displaying characters correctly for languages which require unicode support.
- Bugfix: Import and export functions were not compatible with languages which require unicode support.
- Bugfix: Better handling for occasional network connection problems implemented.
- Bugfix: Computed field values for existing records were not (re)calculated when a new computed field was created or its configuration updated.
- Bugfix: Computed fields which were calculating with relational data were not returning correct value in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: Numeric fields which were set to disallow duplicate values were not allowing duplicate "0" entries.
- Bugfix: New windows were opening on distant locations of the screen when larger size or multiple monitors are used.
- Bugfix: Images were always aligned to the top of the header/footer sections of custom reports.
- Bugfix: Some issues potentially causing upgrade failures for older versions fixed.
- Bugfix: The width of the popup window to select a relational record was to small to display enough information.
- Bugfix: The quick search was returning empty or unrelated results when the search box was left empty.
- Bugfix: Exporting records was failing if file attachments are included but one of the records had not attached file.
- Bugfix: The main window was brought in front when a reminder was triggered causing inconvenience to users working on another application.
- Bugfix: The filter window was opening all buttons disabled when a field used in a filter line was deleted.
- Bugfix: Data folder location could not selected when SQL server connection was enabled.
- Bugfix: Global search window was not able to search records with empty values when match mode was selected as "contains".
- Bugfix: It was not possible to change the order of system defined catalogs in catalog tree.
- Bugfix: Application template export was failing if one of the option items in a optionlist field was deleted.
- Bugfix: An update conflict warning was displaying when both a record details are updated and file attachment modified.
- Bugfix: Some calculation issues related to cascaded use of computed fields were fixed.
- Bugfix: Minor display issues on toolbar fixed.
- Bugfix: Records were not loading when a filter was refering to a relational computed field which reads data type of option list / boolean / user.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to import records which have an empty phone number field and that field was disabled for duplicate entries.
- Bugfix: Required field rules were not working if a relational field was set as "required" field.
- Bugfix: Duplicate control was skipped in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: Reminders were displaying "today" in the title even if the event date was the next day.
- Bugfix: Clicking on a folder shortcut in a record window was opening the parent folder instead of the actual folder.
- Bugfix: Computed field expressions were not working when the alternative characters for quotation mark are used.
- Bugfix: Records were opening in "unsaved" state, when data with leading space characters are imported.
- Bugfix: Automatic removal of leading/trailing spaces in computed fields was causing records to switch to unsaved state.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to search relational computed field values refering to certain data types.
- Bugfix: Setting custom paper for a report in US metric system was causing enlarging of paper size for each update of the settings.
- Bugfix: Computed fields were not able to read attached file name from file fields.
- Bugfix: Importing records with file attachments was creating attachments with broken links when a relative path was used in the import document.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to click on a field menu button when the label of another field was located under the pop-up button.
- Bugfix: Text fields containing data which can be interpreted as date or numerics were exporting incorrectly in XLS format.

Version 4.0.1 on Apr 26, 2018

- The maximum size of plain text data you may save to a long text field has been increased to 256 KB from 64 KB.
- Computed fields now support a new task for retrieving data from the previously created record.
- A new option to reduce network traffic was added to preferences which is helpful on remote connections with limited data plan.
- Minor optimizations for error reporting system.
- Users are now better informed and guided about file attachment issues.
- Important Bugfix: An issue causing a failure to save or retrieve the license key on some Windows versions was resolved.
- Important Bugfix: Export function was exporting repeatedly the same set of records when there are more than 5000 records to export.
- Important Bugfix: It was not possible to create a new field when there are high number of records in a catalog.
- Important Bugfix: Global Search/Replace window was writing the opposite value to the checkbox fields during replace mode.
- Bugfix: Duplicate finder was failing to function when there are no views in the target catalog.
- Bugfix: Global Search/Replace window was not showing searchable fields when the first catalog was selected in replace mode.
- Bugfix: Global Search on all catalogs was always returning empty result when one of the user catalogs does not contain any searchable fields.
- Bugfix: Field properties window for computed fields was opening very slowly when there are many relational fields between catalogs.
- Bugfix: Computed fields which retrieve the ID of a new record were processing the ID as 0 during save.
- Bugfix: Some database queries were failing with a timeout error on databases with large number of records on SQL server.
- Bugfix: Fields which were set to auto-expand were running over other adjacent fields on record forms if they are too close.
- Bugfix: On report designer window, it was difficult to adjust column widths of tabular objects because of auto-adjustment behavior.
- Bugfix: Drawing items were becoming invisible in certain conditions on report designer window.
- Bugfix: Navigating thru the fields using tab key on keyboard was setting the date field to current date unintentionally.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to delete records which were set to protected mode even if the protection feature was disabled later.
- Bugfix: Section properties window on report designer was not showing available views for a subdata section.
- Bugfix: Date picker tool was not displayed when a date field was edited in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: Form and report designer windows were appearing unresponsive during save and when closed.
- Bugfix: A possible, occasional "freezing" problem on trial installations resolved.
- Bugfix: Application was not remembering last window state on startup when terminated as maximized.
- Bugfix: The default option was not set on existing records when a new optionlist field was created.

Version 4.0.0 on Jun 18, 2017

- SQL Server Support was added with this version. You may migrate your database to an SQL Server and connect to it remotely. Check documentation for more information.
- Computed fields support manual recalculation and editing.
- A function guide and ability to suppress calculation errors has been added to computed field settings.
- Global Search function was added. It allows you to run a search query across all catalogs. Check main toolbar.
- Mass Find/Replace function was added. Check "Tools" menu.
- You may now easily create an exact duplicate of a custom report template to create a variation of an existing report.
- Files and Images can now be both imported and exported together with records.
- A "Duplicate Record Finder" window was added. Check "Tools" menu.
- Both small and long text fields now support the shortcut key CTRL+F to search text phrases and F3 to repeat the search.
- Support for "required fields" has been added to field settings window. Record cannot be saved when a field is set as "required" but left empty.
- SQL Query window was added. Check "Database" menu.
- Relational lookup fields can now optionally have a search button to easily search and assign a related record.
- Theere is now an input box on view configuration window to set exact withs of each individual column.
- A number of new options were added into the import window. Check "advanced options" tab.
- The search options "within month" and "within year" are added to advanced search mode to quickly search by month or year.
- It is now possible to search/filter date data using "contains" mode and searching in MMYY or YY format to search for a time period.
- It is now possible to do a bulk "path" correction for all files that are saved as linked reference.
- Many new search comparison options are added when search is done on computed fields.
- Various other minor optimizations and improvements has been done on user interface and background processes.
- A single notification sound is generated when multiple reminders are fired in a row.
- BugFix: Adding too many file, lookup or computed fields to a view was generating an error, preventing data display depending on field selection.
- BugFix: It was possible to add the same field multiple times to sort items on view settings window which was making view manager window unusable.
- BugFix: Record editing window was becoming unresponsive at times when there is a very high number of computed fields.
- BugFix: It was either not possible or too slow to import depending on data and in cases of large files. Performance improved.
- BugFix: The search and view selection boxes were disappearing in certain specific conditions.
- BugFix: It was not possible to display 2nd. and later pages on record listings, when a relational type computed field was used as sort criteria.
- BugFix: It was not possible to complete export when the number of records was very high.
- BugFix: It was not possible to assign selected record on a relational lookup field in certain specific conditions.
- BugFix: Computed fields were displaying incorrect values in a number of specific conditions.
- BugFix: The reminder's delay settings were lost when a periodic reminder was snoozed.
- BugFix: Some queries were failing due to timeout on some larger database systems.
- BugFix: Some windows were displaying visually distorted on computers with a high DPI setting.
- BugFix: Navigation between records using shortcut keys were not working correctly.
- BugFix: On report designer window, the view selection box of the section properties window was not loading the views.
- BugFix: Date/Time fields were working incorrectly when a record was saved via CTRL+S keyboard shortcut.
- BugFix: On field settings window, "search records by ID" option was not saved when a new relational field was created.
- BugFix: On report designer window, the data section height was not set to the label height causing too small or too large design area.
- BugFix: On export window, changing the target catalog was causing an error.
- BugFix: Deleting a catalog when there are field based access right definitions was causing empty displaying fields on record windows.
- BugFix: Granting exceptional access rights to restricted users were not honoured in certain conditions.
- BugFix: Masked fields (phone etc.) were working incorrectly and displaying deleted data.
- BugFix: Searches without a specific field selection were failing when there are more than 100 fields in a catalog.
- BugFix: On field settings window for relationship fields, computed fields were not available to select as a lookup field.
- BugFix: Exporting field data with web page or email address to Excel was generating empty output.
- BugFix: "FieldSum" function in stat box was returning incorrect result for optionlist data type.
- BugFix: Field names shown on report designer window were not updated when field was renamed.
- BugFix: Links on tabular displays were not working when the access right of an adjacent field was restricted.
- BugFix: The timing preference was lost and disregarded when a periodic reminder was dismissed.
- BugFix: There were several inconsistent behaviours on next startup when auto-login was activated or deactivated.
- BugFix: Report designer window was not showing the fields of the sub-catalog in certain conditions.
- BugFix: Relational menu item names were not updated when the name was renamed from field properties windows.
- BugFix: It was not possible to print current time in 12 hour format in custom reports.
- BugFix: The user password was not changed when the password was left as empty and saved.
- BugFix: The record window was displayed as "editable" when the user does not have "update" right in certain conditions.
- BugFix: The login window displayed by clicking the system tray icon of SpeedBase was not working when there was not active connection.
- BugFix: Starting SpeedBase from its shortcut was generating an error when an instance of it was already running and waiting for login.
- BugFix: Sorting by clicking on column headers of an automatically generated view was stopping working in certain conditions.
- BugFix: It was possible to resizing an image height near zero which was generating an error.
- BugFix: Height values of page header and page footer sections in report designer window were staying frozen when the page margins were modified.
- BugFix: Whole word search was not finding records with an exact match on search box.
- BugFix: Searches done on optionlist fields using "exact match" was finding non-exact matches.
- BugFix: Field headers were still displayed on "form designer" window even if they were made as invisible.
- BugFix: The search result shown on status bar was not updated when the latest search returned empty result.
- BugFix: The tab manager window on form designer was not displaying the recently inserted fields on form area.
- BugFix: Switching to another view was not resetting the displayed page number.
- BugFix: The very first data imported from a UTF8 formatted file was displaying a "?" character in the beginning of field data.
- BugFix: Clicking inside a text box was selecting all text without allowing to deselect any more in certain special conditions.
- BugFix: The primary field was set to a fixed field even if it was set as "auto" in catalog properties window in certain conditions.
- BugFix: Creating a sub-record and clicking "save & close" button was generating error during recalculation of computed fields.
- BugFix: Quote characters used in command line parameters were not processed correctly.
- BugFix: Backup cleanup was not working in certain special conditions.
- BugFix: Modifying printer or paper settings on report properties window was generating error when the catalog selection was left empty.
- BugFix: Invalid search modes were included inside comparison box when a search target was set as "any fields".

Version 3.3.2 on Nov 6, 2016

- BugFix: It was not possible to export all records of a view or catalog.
- BugFix: When printing from record detail window, data values on optionlist and lookup fields were not printing.
- BugFix: Changing the order of the views on view manager window was not possible, if some users have created private views.
- BugFix: Calendar popup window was displayed cropped from right on some locales.
- BugFix: Grid lines of tables were not aligned to the text content while printing.
- BugFix: Computed fields were displaying incorrect results when calculating with very small numbers.
- BugFix: Client installation for multiuser edition was generating a "database not found" error.
- BugFix: Newly added drawing items on form designer were not displayed in certain conditions.
- BugFix: "Add New" and "Add Existing" buttons were not working on record detail window in certain conditions.
- BugFix: Record detail window was freezing for moments while typing data if there are too many computed fields.

Version 3.3.0 on Sep 15, 2015

- Improved custom report design window. You may now create multiple data sections enabling a more diverse range of reports like invoices.
- Sub data sections in custom reports can now contain data elements from parent catalog.
- It is now possible to select nonconsecutive, multiple records (hold down CTRL key and click).
- Two new application templates added: Asset Assignment Logs, Invoice & Stock Manager.
- File data type enhanced to allow saving links to folders.
- Support for barcode scanners added (auto pop up records thru barcode scanning).
- Computed fields can now extract data from the last/first record from related records.
- The new function "dField("fieldname")" added to extract date value from a field.
- Minor improvements on import window.
- You may now select computed fields from relationship lookup fields.
- Catalog tree now clearly shows currently selected view.
- BugFix: The application interface was looking distorted on systems with high DPI settings.
- BugFix: Progressive backup cleaning function was deleting backups older than 1 month.
- BugFix: Access right settings were not effective during print.
- BugFix: Print and print preview actions for label printing were generating a false "no records" error.
- BugFix: Related records displayed on a record window were filtered even if the view selection was "auto".
- BugFix: Relationship lookup box was causing to delete the currently typed text in some certain conditions.
- BugFix: Form designer window was not correctly resized if some tabs occupy larger area than first tab.
- BugFix: Field setting window for an option list was generating error when alpha-sort button was clicked.
- BugFix: It was not possible to select the right record when there are repeating values in a relationship lookup field.
- BugFix: Automatic field matching function of import window was causing duplicate matches in certain conditions.
- BugFix: Some keyboard shortcuts were interfering with language specific characters on some locales.
- BugFix: Form designer window was not displaying popup menus in certain conditions.
- BugFix: The computed field expression "nField" was unable to extract numeric equivalent value from a checkbox field.
- BugFix: A periodic reminder with a very old event date was firing for all subsequent events after each dismiss.
- BugFix: Computed fields which refer to a relationship lookup field were not saving the latest value to the database.
- BugFix: Records could not be loaded due to an error after importing a custom application template with certain types of computed fields.
- BugFix: Custom reporting was printing data sections on top of each other for multi column page designs under certain conditions.
- BugFix: Bulk copy-paste of selected records to Excel was ending up some data as incorrectly placed to cells.
- BugFix: The calendar was not showing correctly on reminder setting window.
- BugFix: Advanced search function with empty search string was generating error in certain conditions.
- BugFix: Alignment lines were not showing correctly on form / report designer windows.
- BugFix: Calendar was not showing the day names of week in record windows.

Version 3.2.1 on Jun 9, 2015

- Bugfix: An issue causing loss of design elements of custom reports during upgrade process fixed.

Version 3.2.0 on Jun 4, 2015

- Maximum number of fields you may create per catalog has been increased from 127 to 255.
- Computed field expressions was limited to 255 chars. This limit has been removed.
- Computed fields can now be configured to display data from parent related record (e.g. a contact can grab and display data from its parent company) - Computed fields can now calculate number of records or sums from related sub-records (e.g. a customer record can display the payment total of all related orders).
- You may now use computed fields in filter definitions, stat boxes and in views as a sorting criteria.
- Both form designer and report designer windows now display guide lines to align items easily.
- Form designer now allow you to adjust the order of (top) tabs and insert new tabs to any position. You may also customize the cursor navigation order when pressing tab key while displaying a record.
- New mathematical functions added for computed fields. see documentation
- You may now adjust the order of catalogs. (click "database" menu, click "catalogs")
- Print settings now support defining custom paper sizes.
- Export button added to main toolbar. See preferences window to customize export options.
- You may now configure SpeedBase to auto-create snapshot backups with time intervals of as low as 15 minutes for most sensitive operations.
- You may now select a separate backup folder (outside of your data folder) for automatic backup. (e.g. you may save your backups to a Dropbox folder)
- Fields with links (relationship lookup fields and url fields) now require single click instead of double click.
- Search function can now search on computed fields and option fields without requiring to write the full option value.
- You may now assign numeric values to each option of a optionlist field. The values can then be used by computed fields.
Use nField("fieldname") to grab the numeric value and sField("fieldname") to grab text value.
- Import window can now remember the field matchings you made during previous imports and complete the matchings for you.
- Possibility to open the preferred database file by setting a command line option on shortcut (add "/db:filename.isdb").
- The new menu item "Database Information" has been added to the "Database" menu. You can quickly get various information about your database and license.
- You can now directly rename or configure field properties from field popup menu (click the red arrow which appears on right side of a data field).
- Instant messages now include the incoming message text when your reply.
- Small text fields with numeric filters (e.g. phone numbers) now display empty field instead of zeros.
- Improved menu designer to create relationship fields while creating menu.
- Possibility to compact/repair database has been added to connection settings window.
- Various improvements and optimizations on user interface.
- BugFix: Changes made on connection settings right after the installation were not saved.
- BugFix: Clicking "Open Record" button on reminder window was generating error.
- BugFix: Multiline text fields were printing without line feeds on custom reports.
- BugFix: Font sizes were enlarging abnormally on user interface after deleting a record.
- BugFix: It was not possible to save the default catalog selection on preferences window.
- BugFix: Search function was returning wrong results when searching decimal numbers.
- BugFix: Assigning a reminder to another SpeedBase user was failing.
- BugFix: Create right alone was not allowing to create new records when access rights were restricted.
- BugFix: Minimizing print preview window was generating error.
- BugFix: Saving a record after clicking a menu button was generating a false warning message.
- BugFix: It was possible to delete the main record by clicking delete button after selecting related records on a record.
- BugFix: Field menu and toolbar commands were generating errors for fields which display data in tabular format.
- BugFix: Deleting a field was generating errors during custom report processing if it was used in the report.
- BugFix: Fields were not visible on form designer after installing the survey template.
- BugFix: It was possible to lose all changes made between a rare exceptional condition and exiting the software.
- BugFix: When displaying tabular data, it was not possible to revert to the current view's sorting criteria after clicking column headers.
- BugFix: Status bar was displaying false information in certain conditions after making a search on main window.
- BugFix: Long date format was not displaying correctly on US locale.
- BugFix: Attempting to print while no records were displayed was generating error.
- BugFix: When configuring views, adding more than one optionlist fields as sorting criteria was generating error on 2nd. and later pages.
- BugFix: Vertical decorative lines added to record forms were displaying incorrectly.

Version 3.1.4 on Aug 2, 2014

- Support for East Asian languages
- Background colors of certain window areas and fonts can now be customized.
- Report designer allows you now to copy and paste styles (fonts, colors etc.) between fields and drawing objects.
- Minor improvements for the file gallery.
- BugFix: Some characters were not displayed correctly on East European locales.
- BugFix: Temporary network connection problems were breaking database connection hence requiring a restart.
- BugFix: File operation commands on popup menu displayed on file/image fields were not working.
- BugFix: Print button on print settings window was not working.
- BugFix: Print preview window was freezing in certain cases.
- BugFix: Print preview was not displaying some pages when a record was allocating more than one page.
- BugFix: Fields were becoming invisible on form designer window on certain cases.
- BugFix: Object names containing non-english characters were becoming unreadable when importing application templates.
- BugFix: SpeedBase was failing to start after installation on certain systems and as well as East Asian locales.
- BugFix: Tabs on record windows were running over the window when there are too many tabs or tab names are too long.
- BugFix: When certain special conditions are met, SpeedBase was sending repetetive bug reports with short time intervals.

Version 3.1.1 on May 3, 2014

- Added custom reporting feature to create customize reports, print labels or create mail merges.
- Single user editions allow you now to change data folder location and database name.
- Added a new option for small text fields to auto change case of the entered text.
- Added a new feature to easily copy/paste text from any field on a record window.
- Text fields now support CTRL+A shortcut to select all text.
- Enhanced import utility to select any column as a key field when updating existing records.
- You may now customize the formatting of data when the "Copy" button is clicked on a record listing thru system preferences.
- The feature for importing / exporting database designs (application templates) to/from file is available now for SB Customer Manager.
- You can now choose a different name for the default name of "General" button on record windows thru system preferences.
- The overlapping order (z-order) of the items on a form designer window can now be changed by right clicking an item.
- Added indexing option for some types of fields to increase performance on large databases.
- Added caching option to catalogs to increase performance on large database and/or slow connection speeds.
- Data read performance improved for large databases by optimizing the way SB uses to access data.
- TeamWork edition will now show a warning in case multiple users attempt to edit the same record at the same time.
- Web links exported to Excel are now clickable.
- SB now assigns modify time to newly created records.
- Search result on a record list was being removed after a refresh or save action. Now results are preserved.
- BugFix: Attempting to open and update a file saved to local database was failing or damaging the file in certain conditions.
- BugFix: The record list window was failing to retrieve records on second or later pages when a field of type optionlist was used as a sort criteria.
- BugFix: Records were sorted incorrectly when a decimal or datetime field was used as a sort criteria.
- BugFix: The record list window was failing to retrieve records when the number of fields of type optionlist approach roughly 30.
- BugFix: Computed fields on a record list window was failing to calculate when the expression was containing a date field.
- BugFix: Field configuration window was not saving the default value of an option list field.
- BugFix: SB was sending large amount of bug reports when there was a connection problem to a remote database.
- BugFix: Empty lines in a CSV file were creating empty records when imported.
- BugFix: A single quotation mark was imported when a CSV file was containing empty quotes.
- BugFix: On record windows, it was not possible to select certain records in a lookup (relationship) field.
- BugFix: Double clicking below header borders was creating an error when the record list was empty.
- BugFix: Import was creating an error when multiple fields were matched to the same database field.
- BugFix: Copy function was freezing SB when a catalog was containing large number of records.
- BugFix: Form designer was not showing its popup menu when an item was right clicked.
- BugFix: Copy and print buttons were left unavailable when a record is added into an empty catalog.
- BugFix: Online states of other users were displayed as "unknown" after they log off SB (TeamWork edition).

Version 3.0.2 on Aug 30, 2013

- Bugfix: Record window was showing error message when the record was deleted from another window or menu action.
- Bugfix: Record window was showing error message when a field of it or the catalog it belongs is deleted from another window or menu action.
- Bugfix: Text searching in the instant message history was returning always empty result.
- Bugfix: Selecting or processing a file in a network drive was throwing error message when the network drive was not accessible.
- Bugfix: Attempting to change catalog configuration while a sub-record window is open was throwing error message.
- Bugfix: Extended access rights granted to record owners was not effective when creating or importing a new record.
- Bugfix: Record window was showing auto-complete data even if access to the related catalog is restricted for the current user.
- Bugfix: Exporting records which contain computed fields was throwing error message in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: Print window was failing to open in certain exceptional conditions.
- Bug reporter improved.
- Minor improvement for uninstaller.

Version 3.0.1 on Aug 18, 2013

- Bugfix: Search was always returning all records when the form design contained a checkbox field.
- Bugfix: Setting an invalid expression to a computed field was throwing error messages during calculation attempts.
- Bugfix: Print function was failing when the printer does not support certain paper types.
- Bugfix: Trying to create a sub record from another record was throwing error message in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: Trying to open a record from a search result was throwing error when the record window contains embedded lists.
- Bugfix: The main window was minimizing to tray when a record window was closed in certain conditions.
- Bugfix: Data saved to fields with a numeric mask (like phone) were exported incorrectly.
- Bugfix: Extended access rights granted to record owners was not effective (teamwork edition).
- Bugfix: Records could not be opened when autoexpand is activated for a file field.
- Bugfix: Pressing pageup/pagedown buttons when editing a record was discarding all changes.
- Bugfix: Importing from a CSV file with wrong delimiter char. selection was failing with error message.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to import more than 5000 records at a time.
- Bugfix: It was not possible to disable the automatic startup with windows. Added to user preferences.
- Bugfix: Upgrade was failing when a certain set of install / uninstall actions were followed.
- Bugfix: The trial version of software was showing an annoying reminder window on windows startup, fixed.
- Bugfix: Uninstalling the software when still running was throwing error message.
- Added new shortcut to access recovery tools.
- Optimized login process for a more comfortable user experience.
- Bug reporter improved.

Version 3.0.0 on Jun 17, 2013

- Added new feature to import / export some or all of the database structure (e.g. catalogs, fields, views, filters etc.) to file as "application templates".
- Added 16 new application templates which can be imported to your database.
- The record windows open now on a dedicated window for better navigation (can be disabled from preferences).
- Added reminder feature to create custom reminder messages.
- The date and datetime fields are enhanced to automatically create reminders when a date is entered to record.
- The software can now be left running on tray and start with windows in order to allow the reminder feature.
- Redesigned the search function for ease of use and to enable search on all fields.
- Added a new property to long text fields (on form designer window) to auto enlarge to right and/or down if space is available on the record window.
- Added a new property to fields (on form designer window) to hide the field label. This allows you to create a custom label as drawing object to replace the field label.
- Small text field can now force a fixed numeric format for entering certain types of info like phone numbers.
- The date field now allows to be adjusted to display the date in shorter formats.
- Long text fields can now hold up to 64 K of text.
- The catalog titles can now be selected freely without the requirement of plural form.
- Catalogs can now be deleted directly even if they are not empty.
- The lookup box of a field of type relationship can now search records by ID numbers.
- Added support to change the order of the views listed under catalogs.
- Redesigned the logic about public/private views.
- You can now select a delimiter character when exporting records in CSV format.
- Various optimizations made on several areas to make the software more user friendly and easier to navigate between information. - Bug reporter is optimized.
- Bug Fix: The error handling had a flaw which caused the application to respond slower on startup and whenever a change has been made to database structure.
- Bug Fix: Import was failing to process files having extensions other than CSV.
- Bug Fix: Import was failing to import the last data line and was creating empty records when empty lines are encountered.
- Bug Fix: Printing data which are longer than one page was failing.
- Bug Fix: A new stats box added to "toolbar designer" window was disappearing when the window closed and reopened.
- Bug Fix: Stats boxes were not showing the calculating their content until reload button was clicked.
- Bug Fix: Logging of windows was triggering an error when application was running on tray.
- Bug Fix: There were memory leak problems when opening closing records.
- Bug Fix: The title of a record window could run out of the window if it was too long.
- Bug Fix: Creating a new field on a catalog and then deleting was throwing an error message.
- Bug Fix: The filter configuration window was not showing the "current item" option in certain conditions.
- Bug Fix: On filter configuration window, clicking the invert button right after deleting a filter criteria was throwing an error.
- Bug Fix: It was not possible to copy/export/print search results.
- Bug Fix: When printing to file, canceling the file dialog was throwing error.
- Bug Fix: Page margins were set incorrectly when printing in landscape.
- Bug Fix: Using the horizontal scroll bar on a record list was throwing errors in certain conditions.
- Bug Fix: Record list window was throwing error when the left most column was resized to 0 width.
- Bug Fix: It was not possible to delete the mobile phone field which was installed with the database template.
- Bug Fix: Small text fields were not loading their default values when a new record window was opened.
- Bug Fix: The buttons of field properties window were not visible and there were appearance problems on various windows on a computer which is set to large font display or to a DPI other than 100%.
- Bug Fix: In certain conditions, a filter which contains a criteria with N-N fields might return less records than it should.
- Bug Fix: In certain conditions, a filter which contains a criteria with N-N fields might return duplicate records.
- Bug Fix: The uninstaller was failing to remove the software correctly, if it was already running when uninstaller is initiated.

Version 2.3.1 on Jan 27, 2013

- Bug Fix: On all countries using non-US metric system with operating systems Windows Vista and above, the metric system could not be determined correctly, hence it was not possible to save decimal data correctly. Print preview could also crash due to invalid page margin values.

Version 2.3.0 on Dec 24, 2012

- Added support for importing from CSV files.
- Added restore from backup function.
- Minor improvement in error handling of import/export functionality.
- Minor improvement on user interface of create user window.
- New customization options added to preferences window.
- Added print function.
- Added new data type of computed field. This new type can show the calculated result using values contained on other data fields in real time.
- Added new data type to store files and images. It is now possible to store and display images with records or store/archieve any type of binary file in database.
- Added image gallery to browse and search thru large amount of images and files.
- Added statistical information box to record list window which can automatically display the calculated statistical information from currently listed records.
- Added copy function which allows you copy data displayed on current window to memory, so you can paste it to any other application like email or office software.
- Added Catalog Browser which allows you to easily browse catalogs and views thru a tree like structure.
- Added context sensitive popup quick tips.
- Added functionality for email and link type text data.
- Redesigned the logic about how public/private views are managed.
- Minor improvement for easier resize on form designer window
- Added new options for smaller time intervals under "check for system events" section of system preferences.
- Scroll bar operations of the record list window are improved.
- Added import from file feature for creating fields having data type of option list.
- Added "Close all other tabs" feature to close all inactive tabs when current tab title is right clicked.
- Bug Fix: Periodic autobackup of database was failing if multiple users are connected to the database.
- Bug Fix: A restricted user was able to create new database.
- Bug Fix: Login attempt with a newly created user account was failing with error
- Bug Fix: Deleting records in a records list window displaying multiple pages in certain conditions was creating a pagination error.
- Bug Fix: Deleting a user defined field was failing when connected to a remote database.
- Bug Fix: It was not allowed to save a new, empty record if no change is made to the default values on a record window.
- Bug Fix: A bug about handling of negative numbers on SQL expressions fixed.
- Bug Fix: There was a pagination and performance problem on record list window when the last record is deleted.
- Bug Fix: Some garbage data was left on database when a field is deleted.
- Bug Fix: The Save & New button was creating new records for wrong catalogs under certain conditions.
- Bug Fix: Record list window displays error messages when a field used for sorting is deleted.
- Bug Fix: & character was not visible when used in names of fields or catalogs.

Version 2.2.0 on Apr 1, 2012

- First public release


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