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SpeedBase Version 5.8.0

Important Changes On This Version

  • The script function "MapiSendEmail" was removed because of security concerns.
    This function was enabling sending email via 3rd party applications using the MAPI interface. You are not affected by this change unless you have created a script which was utilizing this function.

What is New in Version 5.8.0

Customers are recommended to review the key changes given below in order to get the most out of the latest version:
  • View filters now support comparing data fields with each other: You may filter records by comparing a data field to another data field. Alternatively, you may filter records by comparing a relational field (e.g. a field from the parent record) to a field on current view.

  • Support for creating Import/Export profiles added: If you periodically import or export data, you will now be able to create profiles which automatically apply the desired import/export settings. By default, the Import/Export dialog remembers all of the last settings you have applied. If you would like to create multiple profiles for the same catalog, you may create a new profile by clicking the profile selection box and then selecting "Create New Profile".

  • More snooze options added for reminders: Existing snooze time frames are enhanced for reminder popup windows. Click the arrow icon on right side of the "snooze" button on a reminder popup window if you would like to see available snooze options.

  • Open the folder location of a file attachment: If you had attached a file to a file field of a record and the file field was set to work as a shortcut, you may easily locate the file's original location. Move your mouse onto the file field, click to the field menu icon, select "Show Folder Location" from the popup menu.

  • Quick Search box can be enlarged: If you think that the quick search box is not wide enough, you may change it's width from the "Display" section of the preferences window.

  • Recent databases menu allows you to quickly switch between databases: If you need to work with multiple databases, you may have noticed that it is not really convenient to open connection setting window to switch to the next database. Open preferences window, select "Interface" section and check the box with the title "show recently opened database history". Shortcut menus pointing to the databases to which you have connected in the past will be displayed under the "database" menu. The recent database menu gets updated everytime you switch to another database. You may instantly connect to the desired database by clicking to it's shortcut menu.

  • Additional printer settings added to the print window: The following common printer device settings are added to the print dialog: Color Mode, Two Sided, Paper Source. Note that, the setting is disregarded in case the printer device does not support the setting.

Known Issues in Version 5.8.0

It is not possible to create a new relationship if you open the relationship management window thru "design" > "relationship" main menu. There is a simple workaround to get around this issue. If you open the relationship management window from the catalog management window as described below, the issue will not happen:
- Click "design" from main menu, click "catalogs" to open catalog management window,
- Select one of the catalogs for which you would like to create a new relationship,
- Click "relationships" button on the left.

See Change Log for the full list of changes and bugfixes.

What is New in Version 5.7.1

Customers are recommended to review the key changes given below in order to get the most out of the latest version:
  • Create multi-line text labels in reports and record forms: With previous versions, you could create single line, fixed text content on both custom reports and record forms. Those text content can now be a paragraph with multiple lines and you may adjust the width and height as desired.

  • Drag & drop support added to attach files into file data fields easier: If there are any file/image data fields on your record window, you may quickly attach/replace files via drag and drop.

  • Progressive display of views on catalog tree: If you have created a high number of views for a catalog, you had probably noticed that expanding that long list of views may occupy most of the catalog tree area. There is now a sort of pagination done for views, so if there are too many views, the first set of views are displayed and then a "more.." link is added as the last view which you can click to load more view headers. The maximum number of views to load at a time can be determined from "System Preferences" window under "Performance" section. If you would like to instantly load all views without modifying preferences, you may right click the last view link named as "more..." and select "show all".

  • Database clean up functions: Clean up functions added to remove unnecessary/obsolote information from your database.
    To clean event log history, open "Preferences" window and select "Performance" section.
    To clean instant message history, disabled reminders and user dictionary, open "Preferences" window and select "Clean Up" section.

  • Spell checking functionality added: To manually run spell checker for any text data field, click the field menu button (red arrow) on right, select "Spell Checker". You may also make it run automatically if you activate auto-spell checking from field configuration window. The spell checker will then run automatically in the background whenever you edit a text field and then move cursor to another data field. A clickable warning icon will be displayed if errors were found. Note that automatic spell checking may slightly degrade performance.
    The spell checker is only available if MS Office was installed on your system.

  • "Script Manager" window is added: You may view and modify all of the scripts you have sofar created in your database from the Script Manager window. You may open it from the "Design" menu. This window also adds an additional functionality to create "view scripts".

  • Scripts: Display data rows/cells in selected colors depending on the record data on views: With previous versions, you could conditionally apply colors to any data field via a "form script". This functionality is added now to the views as well. You may either apply coloring to the whole record row, or you may apply coloring to cells belonging to a specific field. e.g. You may display contract records that are going to expire soon with red background color, or, you may display price data cells in separate color if the number is above a specific range. To apply colors;
    - Click "Design" menu, select "Script Manager",
    - Click "Create script", select "View Script" then select target catalog,
    - Type the desired script name to remember it's function later easily,
    - Create the script and save changes.

    The following functions are made available for coloring:
    SetRowBackColor / SetRowTextColor / SetColumnBackColor / SetColumnTextColor / SetCellBackColor / SetCellTextColor

    Beware that using cell based coloring may degrade data loading performance. If your observe a slow load, consider switching to row coloring instead or decrease the number of records shown per page from preferences window (see performance section).

  • Script editor has a search function and shows the current line number. The basic search function that is available on text data fields is now also available in the script editor. Press CTRL+F to find a new word and then press F3 to repeat the search to find the next occurance.
    The line number of the cursor is now displayed on the script editor so that you may find the error location in your scripts easier.

  • Scripts: SQL Queries can contain user defined names of catalogs and fields: If you are using SQL queries anywhere in your scripts, you may use the user defined names of catalogs and fields by enclosing them in brackets.

  • Import/Export from Excel XLSX documents: You do not need to import Excel files in older formats anymore. You may import from or export to the default XLSX formatted MS Excel document as long as MS Office was installed to your system.

See Change Log for the full list of changes and bugfixes.

What is New in Version 5.6.0

Customers are recommended to review the key changes given below in order to get the most out of the latest version:
  • Displaying a historical snapshot of a record: It is now possible to go back in time and open a snapshot of a record in the past. This feature allows you to view the data of a record before modifications done sofar. Note that the historical snapshot is displayed as read-only. The depth of the historical data available depends on the dates of the snapshot backups created. Open any record and click the newly added toolbar button "History" to access this feature.
    This feature is not available if you are using a SQL server as SpeedBase cannot create snapshot backups in that case.

  • Recent record shortcuts available on catalog level: Each catalog now keeps it's own list of recent record shortcuts. Right click any catalog from catalog tree and select "Recent.." on top of the menu to access the shortcuts.

  • New background pictures: A number of background pictures added to help the application windows appear more colorful and relaxing. Open preferences window, click to "Font & Colors" section, check "Customize colors & background", select the background image you like. You may also download and use your favorite background image from various stock photo sites.
    Tip: Make sure to also select a similar color to the background image you choose to get the best result.

  • Add or remove toolbar buttons from record window: SpeedBase displays all available toolbar buttons on record window by default. You may remove toolbar buttons shown on records which you do not need for your work-flow. To customize toolbar, open preferences window and click to "record window" section.

  • Optional "Edit" button for record windows: SpeedBase opens all records in "edit" mode by default, so you may immediately make changes to the record and save. This behaviour may not be desirable for all users and you may prefere that the record only allows modification after the user intentionally clicks the "edit" button from the toolbar. To enable edit button, open "preferences" window, select "record window" section and check "open records in view mode".

  • New scripting functions added: The following script functions are implemented to make scripting capabilities of SpeedBase more powerful:
    - PrintPreviewRecord: Similar to "Printrecord" function but opens the print preview window instead.
    - FormatDate(date,format): Converts a date data to the desired display format.
    - ReloadRecordData: Reloads the current record data.
    - ReloadRecordWindow: Refreshes the current record window as if it was newly opened and reloads record data.
    - CreateRecord(catalog name): Opens the new record window for the desired catalog or relational lookup field.
    - ViewRecord(catalog,record id): Opens an existing record with the specified ID for viewing only (read-only).
    - EditRecord(catalog,record id): Opens an existing record with the specified ID in edit mode.
    - SetObjectForeColor(object name, color val): Sets the foreground/border/text color of any object shown on the record window.
    - SetObjectBackColor(object name, color val): Sets the background color of any object shown on the record window.
    - SQLGetFieldValue: Returns the final display value of the field. This function is useful to return readable text from relational lookup, date and option list fields.
    - SQLGetDBName(table, (column)): Returns the actual object name used in the database for a catalog or field.
    - WriteToClipboard(text): Copies the specified text to clipboard.
    - ReadFromClipboard: Returns the current text value from clipboard.
    - CopyFieldValue(field name): Copies data from the specified field to clipboard.
    - PasteFieldValue(field name): Paste the current value from clipboard to the specified field.

    The following script function is improved to add more functionality:
    - OpenFile(path,parameters): This function can now accept command line parameters.

    For more information about the new functions, see Function Reference

  • Improved performance for displaying records in tabular format: The speed of loading data on views increased more than double fold. The performance change becomes more noticable if you have large number of fields in a view and you chose to load thousands of records per page.

See Change Log for the full list of changes and bugfixes.

Upgrade Instructions

Before installing the new version, make sure that your support term has not expired. If it has expired, you may consider purchasing Support Extension and renew your license, otherwise you will not be able to complete the upgrade. If you are not sure, you may check your upgrade expire date by clicking "database" menu and then "information" on SpeedBase. For full details about upgrade policy click here

Do I have to uninstall existing version before installing the newer version?:
Unless otherwise recommend above, you do not have to. If SpeedBase was already installed, the installer will detect the existing installation, switch automatically to upgrade mode and complete installation by just replacing existing files with the latest version.
Depending on your preference, you may also choose to uninstall first but the end result will be the same.

Follow the instructions given below for upgrading your software to the latest version:
  • Make sure that SpeedBase is not running on the machine where you want to install.
    Beware that SpeedBase normally keeps running in the background by default to process reminders and messages even if you close the main window. To properly terminate the software, click "Data" menu from main window and select "Exit". If you do not terminate it prior installation, installation will still be successful but you will have to reboot your computer to complete installation.
  • Download the installer from the setup link given below. Note that, there is no separate download for Pro/Teamwork editions.
  • Run setup and complete installation.
  • If available, download also the bugfix update and apply it as described below.
  • If you hold a multiuser license, follow the same steps above on all other machines.
  • The new version will also become automatically registered and fully functional as long as your upgrade term has not expired.
  • During first startup, SpeedBase will also upgrade your database.
  • In case of an exceptional condition where you decide to undo the upgrade, follow the instructions given on this help page

Setup Link: Release Date: Bugfix Update:
SpeedBase v5.8.0 Jun 2, 2023 NA

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