Keyboard Shortcuts

You may find available keyboard shortcuts supported by SpeedBase below.

Most Useful Shortcuts Supported by Windows Operating System

Move cursor to the next item/object/box: TAB
Move cursor to the previous item/object/box: SHIFT+TAB
Cut: CTRL+X   or   SHIFT+DEL
Select All: CTRL+A
Undo: CTRL+Z
Move cursor to the next word: CTRL+Right arrow
Move cursor to the previous word: CTRL+Left arrow
Go to the beginning of content: CTRL+HOME
Go to the end of content: CTRL+END
Close/Cancel: ESC

For a full list of Windows shortcuts, search for "list of windows keyboard shortcuts"

Shortcuts Specific to SpeedBase

New Record: CTRL+N
Save Record: CTRL+S
Find Text: CTRL+F (Applies to text fields)
Find Next: F3 (Find the next occurance of the last searched text, applies to text fields)
Close Current Catalog: CTRL+Q
Reload/Refresh: F5
Copy Selected Record(s): CTRL+K
Print: CTRL+P
Load Next Record: CTRL+Page Down (available on record window)
Load Previous Record: CTRL+Page Up (available on record window)
Close Current Window: ESC
Open Help (Context Sensitive): F1

Useful Tips

Mouse Shortcuts

Remember that you may access various available commands by right clicking your mouse on an object like a catalog, view, a list of records or selection of records.

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