User Management

When running SpeedBase on a multiuser environment (TeamWork edition), you may create as much user accounts as your license allows. You may then apply various access control settings to the users on either user level, user group level or both.

Creating a New User

Click Users from main menu, select User Accounts. This will open a window where you will be able to manage users as well as user groups.

Click "New User" button, type the login name, full name and password of the new user respectively. Click "Create User" to add the new user to existing user list. You may also click "User Groups" tab of the window and add this user to an existing user group.

If SpeedBase does not allow you to create a new user, you have probably reached the license limit for maximum number of users. Note that your license will determine how many active user accounts you may maintain. You may buy a new user license or deactivate an unused user account in this case.

Adding a User To a User Group

If you plan to apply access right restrictions to the users, it is highly recommended to create at least one more user group other than the existing administrators group. You will then have the ease of applying the same restrictions to all users of the new user group.

To add an existing user to a user group, select the user account in the user configuration window, click "modify", click the "user groups" tab on the "user properties" window, click "Add" button and select the usergroup.

You may add a user to more than one user group. In this case the user will gain all the extra rights from the second user group. Note that, the rights of a user is never decreases if you add him/her to another user group, they are only elevated.

Creating Access Right Exceptions For a User

The access rights of a user is determined by the security settings of the user group the user belongs to. However, you may still create exceptions which will overwrite the rights gained/lost thru user group settings.

To do this, select the user account from the user configuration window, click "access rights" button and create the exception you need using "access rights manager".
See "Advanced Access Rights Manager" for more info.

Activating / Deactivating a User

You may prefere to deactivate a user account instead of deleting it. Account credentials of inactive users cannot be used to login SpeedBase.

To change the activity status of a user, select the user account in the user configuration window, click "modify", (un)check the checkbox for activity status, click "save" button.

Deleting an Existing User

If you wish to delete a user account completely, select the user account in the user configuration window, click "delete user" button. Deleting a user also deletes all custom views, filters etc. created by that user. You cannot undo this action.

Warning: If you have created access permissions to the record owners as described in "Applying Owner Rights", and later delete a user, who is assigned as the owner of some records, these records will be set to an unassigned status, and may become invisible to all users depending on your security settings. To prevent this to happen, consider deactivating the user instead of deleting it. If you lose access to some records due to this reason, deactivate the access right directive about ownership temporarily in order to display the records. Then you can assign a new user to these records which show an empty record owner.

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